Emperor King
1. What challenges do the penguins have to overcome?
The penguins have to stay alive, stay warm, stay away from predators and also eat. They need to also keep their population from extinction.
2. How does their habitat challenge their livelihood each day?
Because Antartica is a very cold place and sometimes it can be too cold that it causes the penguins to die.
In their habitat they also find some predators out to eat them so mainly the new born penguins but also the adult ones are in danger of animals below the ice so for when they go catch food/prey other aniimals are looking for penguins to be their prey.
3.What types of adaptions do penguins need in order to survive brutal winters ans predators?
Thicker layer of fur to stay warmer. Better use of their body parts such as hands so they can stay away from predators and defend themselves
4.Why is there a period of time in which there is practically no sunlight? How does this effect the climate?
The reason why is, Antartica is all of the way in the bottom of the Earth not much sunlight travels to the bottom of the Earth so it causes it to be cold and dark.
* Why is it important that the ground is frozen solid during the months of breeding?
So they can have a place to breed also have have something to set foot upon they can't just be swimming all their life because they have lungs not gills therefore they need land and ice. We can also do something to help the penguins survive by not releasing that many greenhouse gasses in to our atmosphere and the way we can all prevent that is buy maybe using a bike once in a while or conserve gas and by not using much gas can help a lot to our penguins.