My story about the visitors is that they helped us allot to find are ideas on are games they were very help full and very understanding everyone one thing about it that its amazing is they went all the way from new york all the way to Austin Texas. What i think of them is they were very generous to us and let us express are ideas but only tree people got to go up and explain ther ideas of there games to the people on the phone all the way from new york.what they did is explain to us very many topics after everyone agreed they all came up with the secondary topic from the topics that we chose from there we all starting brainstorming on the details that we were gonna do.the other thing is we all were being very good at participating and had great ideas to share to the visitors the other thing is when they were video taping us i thought it was just for fun but the were gonna turn that in back in new York which was also there assignment then to view it and do all sorts of stuff that we don't know which is kind of cool that new york people can see us all the way from Austin est Austin college prep academy.the other thing is they were very understanding and bright not like a really dumb person they understood us very well that made it easy for us to express are ideas she is very great and i thought she was strict like most of all the teachers but no she was very nice that she didn't say nothing when you were not paying attention she makes me feel like one day i should be as nice as her also the video taping women is nice and very good at video taping they were great visitors i wish to see them again and visit us. that is all i have to share about are great visitors ☺☺☺☺☺☺☺
Thanks Francisco! It was a lot of fun to visit!